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Andrew Gibson of Energy Solutions sat down with Nation’s Restaurant News during the 2023 NAFEM show to discuss the California Foodservice Instant Rebates Program and the many benefits of installing high-efficiency equipment in restaurant kitchens. Through the Instant Rebates program, restaurant operators can receive Instant Rebates as a discount directly on their invoice when purchasing energy efficient natural gas or electric commercial foodservice equipment from participating dealers. Learn how both equipment dealers and restaurant operators can tap into the financial, operational, and environmental benefits that energy-efficient kitchens can offer through the California Instant Rebates Program.

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Andrew Gibson, Jr.
Senior Manger, Energy Solutions’ Energy Efficiency Department

Andrew Gibson is a Senior Manager in Energy Solutions’ Energy Efficiency department. Andrew has over 14 years of foodservice experience. He supports development, enhancement, and maintenance of organizational relationships with food service manufacturers, distributors, contractors, consultants, and large end users. Andrew has over six years of experience leading energy efficiency food service development and training for workforce education on food service equipment programs.

Marlon Gordon
Founder & CEO of NxtGen Network

Marlon is Founder & CEO of NxtGen Network, a creative marketing agency that’s passionate about relationships, telling stories, and empowering others through innovation. He partners with those in Child Nutrition, Hospitality, Food & Beverage, and also has an international philanthropical project called NxtGen Cares. Marlon is the co-creator and co-host of First Taste TV™, a show dedicated to connecting companies with their audience through video. Creator and host of Next Up, a talk show that focuses on thought leadership, lead generation, and live engagement. Creator of Ignite, a live hybrid networking and educational event. Host of the Next Up Podcast and Urban School Food Alliance Podcast, And co-creator of digital publications such as Served Digizine and Indulge. Marlon is a visionary, a team builder, and is fueled by a faith that helps him do things others think are impossible.